Are you suffering from food allergy or food intolerance?

The December issue of ihealth magazine is now out with lots of health tips for the festive season. It also features my article “Understanding Food Allergy and Intolerance”.

As a Nutritional Therapist, food allergy and intolerance is an area that I am often consulted about. Fortunately true food allergies are quite rare whereas food intolerances can affect up to 45% of the population.

My article discusses the difference between antibody mediated food allergies and intolerances and highlights other potential food reactions including histamine intolerance, nightshade and sulphite sensitivity and lactose intolerance. It also explores the connection between increased intestinal permeability “leaky gut” and food intolerances.

Read or download my article entitled “Understanding Food Allergy & Intolerance” Here
