Chickenpox is a common childhood illness which most children catch at some point and which is often mild. Chickenpox is infectious from about one to two days before the rash develops, until all the blisters have fully crusted over.

Homeopathic remedies may help to ease itching and discomfort, prevent infection and scarring and speed up recovery. They are non toxic and safe for children and babies.

Rhus Tox is one of the most frequently prescribed homeopathic remedies for chickenpox. It is particularly indicated for chickenpox where the skin is hot with intense itching and burning sensations. Your child may also feel really restless, anxious and irritable. Warm baths tend to be soothing for children needing Rhus Tox.

Ant Tart can be helpful where the spots are particularly pustular, painful and itchy. Your child may also have a loose, rattling cough with shortness of breath and may be more sweaty and drowsy than usual.

Pulsatilla can be helpful for children with chickenpox who feel really miserable with it. Children needing Pulsatilla are almost always clingy and whingy when unwell and tend to feel better from being comforted and cuddled. The itching is not as intense as it is for children needing Rhux tox although the spots may itch if your child becomes warm and when they are bed.

Children needing Pulsatilla may also have thick yellow discharge from the nose and the eyes may be congested and stuck together.

Sulphur is indicated for chickenpox with intense itching and burning sensations which tend to be worse when in contact with water. The itching is generally worse when they are hot and in bed at night. Sleep can be restless and they have a tendency to stick their feet out of the bed.

This remedy is often indicated for children who are prone to skin conditions such as eczema, however, it needs to be used gently in children with severe skin conditions as, in the process of restoring balance, it can temporarily aggravate the symptoms. This doesn’t usually happen in a