I learned about this powerfully deep acting remedy from one of my all time favourite homeopathic teachers Colin Griffith. I knew immediately that this was going to become an important remedy in my practice because it covers some of the core issues that many people are experiencing during these strange times. To really understand the homeopathic remedy pineal gland, it is helpful to have a brief insight into the physiological functions and spiritual attributes of the pineal gland. I will briefly discuss these below, drawing on the work of Len Wisneski and Lucy Anderson from their groundbreaking book The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine.

Physiological actions of the pineal gland

The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland, located deep in the centre of the brain which secretes and stores melatonin. The synthesis of melatonin is influenced by exposure to light. It regulates our sleep patterns and is involved in the circadian rhythm, the sensitive daily cycle of hormones that regulate our bodily functions. Melatonin also plays a role in the regulation of seasonal hormonal patterns. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, is involved in bone formation, immune system modulation and is considered to protect the nervous system from degeneration.

In addition to melatonin, many other hormones are found in the pineal gland including serotonin, cortisol, insulin, growth hormone, oxytocin, hormones influencing the female menstrual cycle and many more. It is possible that some of these hormones are synthesized in the pineal whilst others arrive via the circulation. The presence of such extensive numbers of hormones found in the pineal, are indicative of the wide influence of the pineal gland on the body. (Len Wisneski and Lucy Anderson.)

Spiritual aspects of the pineal gland

The seventh chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow our spirituality to become an integral part of our physical lives and guide us” (Caroline Myss, PH.D)

Homeopathic pineal gland chakras

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

In modern medicine, the functions of the pineal gland are usually considered to be purely physiological. However, in Eastern medical and religious philosophy, the pineal gland has long been regarded as a gland of spiritual significance and is considered to be connected to the seventh chakra, located at the crown of the head. Len Wisneski and Lucy Anderson, dedicate a whole chapter of their book to the in depth exploration of the physiological and spiritual interconnectedness of the pineal gland. They hypothesise that:

The pineal is the cornerstone of the biochemical interface with our environment and with the subtle energy that both supports and transcends our sense perceptions and sustains our body as much as any nourishment we consume. While the pineal is the energy transducer that sends hormonal and electrical messages throughout the body, the chakras, as described in Eastern religious and medical systems, are the energy transducers for subtle energy. Chakras, speculatively, are energetic portals that permit a subtler, but profoundly sustaining, energy to enter the body.”

They go on to conclude:

perhaps the pineal, as Descartes declared, is indeed the “seat of the soul,” because it may well be the interface between our body and our soul—that is, the corridor by which we can experience our spirituality”.

Homeopathic Pineal Gland

This section is based on the teachings of Colin Griffith which are confirmed by my experiences of having prescribed the remedy.

Loss of purpose & feeling unable to live up to one’s potential

People needing this remedy feel as if they have lost their sense of purpose and their ability to fulfil their potential. This leads to feelings of internal unease, agitation, irritability and restlessness. They feel they are constantly being blocked from moving forward and this brings with it immense feelings of frustration and discontentment. They become unable to relax or to experience enjoyment in their life. They get bogged down by overthinking which blocks their intuition and they start to lose their connection to their soul. Without our soul connection we are unanchored in the world which can result in feelings of anxiety without knowing why, fear and disorientation. People needing this remedy just don’t feel at peace in their own skin or with their circumstances.

I have observed this state countless times in people who have either lost their sense of purpose, or who know what their soul’s purpose is but feel held back from following it for various reasons (e.g lack of confidence, finances or family responsibilities).


People needing homeopathic pineal gland may be oversensitive to noise and upset by aspects of the modern world such as materialism and technology. They are easily thrown off balance by little things.

Never Been Well Since”

Homeopath’s ears always prick up when someone says that they have never been well since a certain event because it indicates the point at which the vital force was disturbed so deeply that it was no longer able to maintain homeostasis (balance). There are many situations which can cause this including surgery, vaccination, medical or recreational drugs, viruses and most especially trauma. This can be physical trauma such as a head injury or emotional trauma from a bereavement, divorce or abuse for example. The “never been well since” situation is extremely significant for homeopathic prescribing because we have remedies for many of these scenarios.

Homeopathic pineal gland is one remedy which may be considered for someone who has never been well since taking medical or hallucinogenic drugs, since being vaccinated or since experiencing trauma. In homeopathy we wouldn’t prescribe solely on a “never been well” since situation as we want to work holistically and take all factors into consideration. However, we would strongly consider pineal if, following a certain event, a person seems to have become disconnected from their soul, lost their sense of purpose and is feeling blocked, restless, irritable, anxious, agitated and disorientated. It is also a remedy which may be though of for obsessional behaviour following a trauma.

Effects of the remedy

Homeopathic pineal gland can be a truly transformative remedy. It can help people to slow down, become deeply reflective and rekindle their connection with their soul. It can bring renewed self confidence, a clearer sense of purpose and a feeling of being steadier and much more at peace in their own skin. In my experience of prescribing the remedy, I feel that it helps people to remember who they are.

I am immensely grateful to Colin Griffith for sharing his teachings on this potentially life changing remedy, and to The Centre for Homeopathic Education for hosting the webinar.

You can read more of my articles about homeopathy here.


Leonard A. Wisneski & Lucy Anderson, The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, second edition, CRC Press, 2009

Caroline Myss, Anatomy Of The Spirit, The Seven Stages of Power and Healing, Bantam Books, 1997