9 11, 2022

Natural Approaches for Endometriosis

By |2022-12-09T12:41:01+00:00November 9th, 2022|Homeopathy, Supplements, Women's Health|0 Comments

Endometriosis is an extremely distressing yet underdiagnosed condition which can severely compromise quality of life. In this article we will be looking at natural approaches for endometriosis including homeopathy, herbs, nutrition and supplements.   Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition, in which endometrial (womb) tissue implants itself and grows in [...]

1 11, 2022

Menopausal Hair Loss

By |2022-11-01T11:43:06+00:00November 1st, 2022|Menopause, Thyroid, Women's Health|0 Comments

I am often asked my my female clients if there is anything that I can recommend to help with their hair, in particular for hair loss, dry, breaking or lacklustre hair. Most of these requests come during the menopausal transition and, although this is partly due to decreasing levels of oestrogen and progesterone, there [...]

  • Homeopathic Pineal Gland